Monday, April 23, 2012


Wow - What a great day we had on Friday.  The Annual Serve-A-Thon is a way for our school to raise funds (which are much needed, by the way) and at the same time allow our students to serve others in various ways.  Middle School worked hard from 9:00am until 3:00pm.  We served the elderly and/or home bound, as well as deployed spouses in our community.  Despite the sunburns and dehydration, we had a very rewarding day.  We mowed lawns, pulled weeds (to avoid those weed citations the city gives), washed windows, and pruned shrubs/trees.  If you did not get your 20 mailers turned in to gain support for your child during our day of service, it is NOT too late to turn some in to the office.  The school will be using the funds for maintenance, technology, and our building fund.  Go ahead, support the school by letting others help in the support.


After our first job, McDonald's was a nice lunch break.  They do look a bit tired, don't ya think.

Math 6 & 7:  We will be continuing with Geometry this week working with area.

Band:  We will work hard on "Pomp and Circumstance" as we prepare for the high school graduation.  On May 5th, we have the opportunity to play for the community as a part of National Prayer Day.  I will get more information out about this, this week.  We will be working "Peace Like a River" and one more piece as well as some from our book.  Be ready to work hard this week.

Language Arts: We will begin our poetry unit this week.  Get ready to be creative and have fun!

Have a great week everyone!

Mrs. Burke